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Information regarding the oral presentations starting next friday

7 abril 2021, 17:53 Cristina Anjinho Viegas

Dear students

The oral presentations of Environmental Biotechnology will start next Friday and are an integral part of the learning process. Therefore you should attend to the three oral presentation sessions.
We invite you to participate in the discussion after each presentation and also to contribute with your opinion about it; for the latter, you have a Word file entitled  “Evaluation form_from the students_oral presentation” in the Environ Biotechnol webpage (section “Part 1 - Oral presentations”), where you can give your opinion about each oral presentation you attended to; the “evaluation form” should be returned to me by email until the 21th of April (deadline for news-article submission); you can also find the complete list of the presentations, in the same section.

Best wishes and see you tomorrow.
Cristina Viegas

List of questions (and answers) about EB– Part 1

30 março 2021, 12:08

Período (Zoom) para esclarecimento de dúvidas (BAmb - Parte 1)

18 março 2021, 09:56

Corpo Docente

Helena Maria Pinheiro



Cristina Anjinho Viegas