Instructions 2nd Test / Exam (updated)

24 junho 2020, 16:44 Mário Silveirinha

Tomorrow 25th of June, I will post here the wording of the 2nd test / 1st Exam at 3pm.

You are expected to send me back your resolution  through Fenix as a project (the submission platform is now open: please test and email me if you detect any problems). The submission deadline is 5.30pm for the 2nd test and 6pm for the Exam [please check the exact time in the wording of the test/exam].

The duration of the test includes some tolerance in the end to be sure that everyone has time to access the test / scan/photograph and submit the resolution. 

My preference is that you submit the resolution in a single .pdf file.The .pdf file may consist of a scan/photographs of the resolution done in a sheet of paper, or alternatively the answers can be typed in Word.

During the test I shall be online in a zoom session:

Together with the test, you should return a signed declaration of honor stating the following:

Declaration of honor:

For Portuguese students:Declaro por minha honra que a resolução que apresento foi preparada exclusivamente por mim sem auxílio de terceiros. Em particular, declaro por minha honra que não recebi auxilio nem auxiliei outros colegas.

For non-Portuguese students:I hereby declare by my honor that the present work was prepared exclusively by me without the assistance of third parties.In particular, I declare on my honor that I have not received assistance or helped other colleagues.