Últimos anúncios

This is not goodbye!

15 fevereiro 2021, 10:16 Carlos António Roque Martinho

I hope you all had a productive experience in this course. If you want to keep in touch with what is happening with games at IST, please check our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/LabJogosIST/). We will be showing some of the work created in this course in a few weeks! Feel free to comment!

Workshop poll results

12 fevereiro 2021, 15:47

AVT + CGJ Workshop (poll open until Friday Feb 12 at noon)

8 fevereiro 2021, 18:23

Final grade sheet (after review) closed

8 fevereiro 2021, 09:19

Grade Calculation Revisions

8 fevereiro 2021, 08:56

Corpo Docente

Carlos António Roque Martinho



Samuel Simão Canada Gomes