Últimos anúncios

2nd exam grades

22 fevereiro 2021, 11:14 João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

The 2nd exam grande and the final grades are available on:

The second exam revision will take place next Thursday ( 25th February) at 11h00 on ZOOM:

The Grades that will be submitted to the secretary are available on 

Student should  verify if all the grades are correct. Any error should be reported on the 2nd exam revision.

Student can also contact me on TEAMS to get answers to any doubt they have about your grade.

The final grades will be submitted next Friday at 11h00. If no notification about possible error is received until that date, no correction will be made.

1st exame grade and revision

4 fevereiro 2021, 20:03

2nd Exam preparation

4 fevereiro 2021, 19:55

1st exame and project grades

4 fevereiro 2021, 00:04

Project presentation date

6 janeiro 2021, 16:48

Corpo Docente

João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

