
Transport and access networks

13 dezembro 2016, 11:30 Rui Valadas

Evolution of the Public Switched Telephone Network. Signalling over the subscriber loop. Modems. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) versus Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). Eco-cancelling. ISDN. ADSL. FTTH.

Laboratory guide nº 4

7 dezembro 2016, 16:30 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

To understand the RTSP/RTP/UDP transport protocols.

To review VoIP concepts and mechanisms as well as the SIP signaling protocol.

Laboratory guide nº 4

7 dezembro 2016, 14:30 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

To understand the RTSP/RTP/UDP transport protocols.

To review VoIP concepts and mechanisms as well as the SIP signaling protocol.

Laboratory guide nº 4

6 dezembro 2016, 17:30 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

To understand the RTSP/RTP/UDP transport protocols.

To review VoIP concepts and mechanisms as well as the SIP signaling protocol.

Laboratory guide nº 4

6 dezembro 2016, 15:30 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

To understand the RTSP/RTP/UDP transport protocols.

To review VoIP concepts and mechanisms as well as the SIP signaling protocol.