
SPG fault

13 novembro 2018, 09:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of doc “single phase fault” 

Browsing over doc “lines_21” 

Types of faults 

Conversion between Zabc and Zdih 

Special structure for the Z matrices

Line transposition

Carson’s formula and Zh

Circuit for determining Idih for SPG fault

How to obtain voltages anywhere in the network in case of a SPG fault


Problem 6, Problem 7

13 novembro 2018, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Problem 5 (review and solution)

Problem 6
Problem 7

SC1 and Test1

8 novembro 2018, 17:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

SC1 and Test1

Single Phase Fault

8 novembro 2018, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Single Phase Fault

Fault (boundary) conditions

Iabc and Idih; Vabc and Vdih; Zabc and Zdih

Thevenin equivalent VTh and ZTh for direct sequence, and for the inverse and homopolar sequences

Single phase fault schematic circuit representation

Addressing the single phase fault just using abc values

Are the results the same?

SC1 and Test1

8 novembro 2018, 09:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

SC1 and Test1