
Problem 11

15 dezembro 2015, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Problem 11: Nonlinear least square state estimation problem: a two-bus system
Problem formulation

Coding for Matlab's  lsqnonlin
Interpretation and utilization of the results

Extra Lab class at 17h00-18h30 for state estimation (substitution)

10 dezembro 2015, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Extra Lab class at 17h00-18h30 for state estimation

[Imperative reasons prevented the instructor from teaching as previously assigned]

SC3 and SC4

3 dezembro 2015, 17:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

sc LG and LL

sc  all kind: LLL, LLG, LL; LG

Probabilistic power flow

3 dezembro 2015, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Power flow for planning

Multiple scenario analysis

Peak load scenario

Does one need an off peak load scenario as well?

Other drivers for investment planning

Quality of service (duration and frequency of interruptions, voltage sags, )

System security and robustness

Capture of renewables

Scenario generation

Output analysis

Power flow as the working horse of system analysis

Power flow for reliability assessment

Load, equipment, resource availability as random quantities

Sampling techniques and Monte Carlo

Importance of autocorrelation and cross-correlation for sampling

Probabilistic power flow and radial networks

Simultaneity factor

Kirchhoff for random currents and random powers

Currents based on mu+2*sigma (95% certainty)

The apparent non-compliance with KCL

Example for a case of independent loads

CC3 e CC4

1 dezembro 2015, 18:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

cc FT e FF

