
TE2 e TE3

6 outubro 2015, 18:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

TE2 e TE3 


TE2 e TE3

6 outubro 2015, 17:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

TE2 e TE3 


Newton's method (continued)

6 outubro 2015, 09:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Newton's method for solving pf eqs for voltage magnitude and phase angle

Newton's method for solving pf eqs for voltage real part and imaginary part
Presentation of Tinney's paper on pf and Newton's method
Gaussian elimination, triangularization, LU factors, bifactorization for Matlab's A\b
The question of no. of eqs and no. of variables
Adjustments necessary for pf solutions (eg voltage specifications, reactive injection, xf taps)

Problem 1

6 outubro 2015, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Problem 1

Newton’s method applied to power flow eq

1 outubro 2015, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Newton’s method applied to power flow eq

Newton and Taylor

Formal iterative Newton’s algorithm

Geometric interpretation (could one do it better? success vs shape of f(x))

Why is it necessary to work with non-complex quantities for Newton’s method applied to pf equation

Separating complex equation into real part and imaginary part

Options: consider voltage as V. cis(teta); other options

Jacobian: ordering, properties. symmetry, real-valuedness, sparsity, positive-definiteness?

Importance of Jacobian properties on the success of Newton’s methods