
CC1, CC2 and CC3

25 novembro 2014, 18:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira



Examples of variations to experiment with

CC1, CC2 and CC3

25 novembro 2014, 17:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira



Examples of variations to experiment with

Review of fault analysis

25 novembro 2014, 09:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of major concepts thru questions

Another type of fault: line interruption

A single line interruption: how to handle that?

DY and phase-shifters

Direct sequence and inverse sequence



Class 6A

25 novembro 2014, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Examples of short-circuit analysis problems

Use of circuit reduction techniques

Use of Matrix techniques

Discussion of variations wrt Ex 7.8 and 7.9 of the textbook

Phase-phase and phase-phase-ground

20 novembro 2014, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Phase-phase fault: Ia=0

Why this choice

Id+Ii+Ih=0, Vd=Vi, Ih=0, Vh undefined (later to be verified to be null, as Vb=Vc=-1/2Va)

Overall circuit (two in parallel, one out)

Phase-phase-ground fault: Ia=0

Id+Ii+Ih=0, Vd=Vi=Vh

Overall circuit (three in parallel, duality from single phase to ground fault) 


Formulas and how to apply the results obtained