
Prob 8 Prob 9

29 novembro 2017, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Prob 8 

Prob 9

Xfs, phase-phase and phase-phase-ground

28 novembro 2017, 09:30 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of transformers YD and their connections

Zd as Zsc, Zi as Zd or Zd and phase rotation

Zh as infinite, Zmagnet or Zsc

Examples from the YY connections

YD transformer

The role of neutral impedance in Y

The role of delta

Why homopolar currents flow freely in delta

Delta is a short circuit for homopolar system

Delta blocks homopolar currents

Delta helps balance disequilibrium or unbalances of secondary Ys

The grounding transformer or zigzag transformer

Description, how it works, symbol

How zigzag is a very high impedance for direct and inverse systems

How zigzag is a very low impedance for homopolar systems

Zigzag not as a power transformer

Phase-phase fault: Ia=0

Why this choice

Id+Ii+Ih=0, Vd=Vi, Ih=0, Vh undefined (later to be verified to be null, as Vb=Vc=-1/2Va)

Overall circuit (two in parallel, one out)

Phase-phase-ground fault: Ia=0

Id+Ii+Ih=0, Vd=Vi=Vh

Overall circuit (three in parallel, duality from single phase to ground fault) 

Formulas and how to apply the results obtained

Prob 8 Prob 9

28 novembro 2017, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Prob 8 

Prob 9


23 novembro 2017, 17:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira



Models and parameters for network components

23 novembro 2017, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of concepts of symmetrical components

Generator models and parameters: Z, Zd, Zi, Zh, E’, E”

Transmission line models (Carson’s formulas for Zd and Zh)

Transformer models: Zd and Zcc

Zi and YD winding systems

Zh and the importance of neutral connection in Y windings

YY and YD