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Exam information
24 janeiro 2023, 14:06 • Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo
Dear students,
Some practical information about the exam:
- For the DEI side of the course, there is one room in Tagus (A1) and several rooms in the Civil Building (V1.27, V1.24, V1.23, V1.17, V1.16, V1.15). The assignment of students to rooms will be put in Fenix shortly. Please check your room and arrive early. The exam will start at 15:30.
- For in-person students, the exam must be solved in the provided sheets, and you’ll need to include your student number in every sheet.
- For remote students (mobility students only, and only in excepcional circumstances), the exam will be done online (Zoom link to be posted soon). Students must fill the form in https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPPa8Epar9nZ8Q-awoGJW9elh6mgNnnv2iU7bQNtd8aCXS5g/viewform?usp=sf_link in order to do the exam remotely. You need to have your camera on all the time. The exam will be made available in Fenix (section “Remote Exam”) at 15:30. In the end, you’ll need to photograph or scan every page of your exame and upload it to Fenix (under Projects > Remote Exam) by 17:30. If you do not have a printer available, you are allowed to solve the exam using your own sheets.
- For all students, the exam is open book and open notes. You may use a calculator, but any other type of electronic or communication equipment is not allowed.
Exam registration
19 janeiro 2023, 19:38
No office time today
12 janeiro 2023, 10:00
Guest lecture next Thursday
10 janeiro 2023, 17:11
Deadline extension for HW2 (2 extra days)
10 janeiro 2023, 17:05
Corpo Docente