
Theoretical and practical materials -- third week

12 dezembro 2021, 20:02 André Filipe Torres Martins

Dear students, 

We uploaded the slides of the theoretical classes and the material for the practical class for the third week. You can find them in fenix in the right menu under "theoretical lectures" and "practical lectures". We will be uploading this material on a weekly basis.

See you soon, 


Homework #1 is out!

9 dezembro 2021, 21:52 André Filipe Torres Martins

Dear students, 

The first homework assignment is now available as a section in the course webpage. The deadline is January 7. Please ask any questions in Piazza.

Good luck!


Shifts AP-DeiL05 and AP-DeiL06

6 dezembro 2021, 10:09 André Filipe Torres Martins

Dear students, 

We noted that a large number of groups picked the two shifts above (Tuesdays and Fridays). Unfortunately, the room where these shifts are taught (C12) does not offer the best conditions -- the acoustics are not great and having ~60 students in the room is not a very good practice during the pandemics. It will be hard to run these lectures smoothly.

If you registered for one of these shifts and you have the possibility to change, we kindly ask you to switch to one of these shifts:

AP-DeiL02 (Mon 14:00, Fri 8:30) -- this one is highly encouraged!
AP-DeiL04 (Tue 12:00, Fri 17:30)

Thank you very much!


Group registrations

6 dezembro 2021, 09:58 André Filipe Torres Martins

Dear students, 

As many of you were unable to register your groups and could not find a compatible group of 3, we reopened the group registrations in Fenix and allow registering groups of 2 now. Please register your group as soon as possible, and let us know if there is any question. 
The available slots are:

AP2L03 (Thu 10:00, Tue 17:00) in Tagus

AP-DeiL02 (Mon 14:00, Fri 8:30) in Alameda -- this one is highly encouraged!
AP-DeiL04 (Tue 12:00, Fri 17:30) in Alameda

Thank you,


Theoretical slides and practicals -- second week

5 dezembro 2021, 21:52 André Filipe Torres Martins

Dear students, 

We uploaded the slides of the theoretical classes and the material for the practical class for the second week. You can find them in fenix in the right menu under "theoretical lectures" and "practical lectures". We will be uploading this material on a weekly basis.

See you soon, 
