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Welcome to FSI

23 agosto 2020, 12:14 Miguel Mira da Silva

Click the image to watch the video!


This year, after a successful experiment last year now reinforced by the pandemic (that will surely get worse when classes start) we will fully digitalize FSI - i.e. there will be no lectures.

The program will still be based on the Laudon book, as well as the evaluation method based on case studies, a group project and a final case study. However, instead of attending lectures, this year the students will produce two and watch many short videos covering the entire program.

The lectures on Mondays at 9:00 take place online: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/96486867993

Corpo Docente

Miguel Mira da Silva



André Filipe Diegues Fernandes

Pedro Miguel Leão Veloso Dias