
In the lab classes, we will use Microsoft SQL Server and the AdventureWorks sample database. There are several options for using the software:

  • On Mac OS or Linux, you can use a virtual machine (VM) with the software pre-installed. More information is provided below. If you have issues on startup try this post.
  • On Windows, you can use the VM (which is usually easier) or, if you prefer, you can install the software natively. Instructions are provided below.

Downloading and installing the VM:

To download the VM for your personal use, see:


Installing the software natively:

If you prefer, you can install the software natively on a Windows machine:

  • Install Microsoft SQL Server 2019:
    • Visit Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
    • Sign in with your full username:
    • In Software, search for SQL Server 2019 Developer
    • Download the ISO file, double-click it, run setup, and install the Database Engine Services only
    • During installation, in the Server Configuration tab, press Add Current User
    • If you have any issues gettin the software please contact the lab professor.
  • Install SQL Server Management Studio:
    • Visit the Microsoft Docs website
    • Download SQL Server Management Studio 18.8 and install it
  • Install the AdventureWorks database:
    • Visit the Microsoft account on Github
    • Download the full database backup file AdventureWorks2019.bak
    • Move the file to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup
    • Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your local SQL Server instance
    • Right-click Databases Restore Database, select Device, and click the browse button (...)
    • Click Add and select AdventureWorks2019.bak
    • Once the AdventureWorks database is restored, right-click and select Properties
    • In Files, set the Owner to your user.
