
Grades Exam 3

31 julho 2021, 18:39 Helena Galhardas

The grades of exam 3 are online.

Students who wish to check the correction of their exam should send an email to

Grades Exam 2 and Final Grades after Revision of Exam 2

23 julho 2021, 12:05 Helena Galhardas

The grades are online.

"Special evaluation Period" Exam (Exame época Especial)

23 julho 2021, 11:50 Helena Galhardas

The "special evaluation period" exam will take place next Monday, July 26th, 15H at Alameda campus **exclusively**.

If, by some reason, a student cannot go to Alameda please let us know as soon as possible by email

Grades Exam 2

17 julho 2021, 17:12 Helena Galhardas

The grades of exam 2 are online.

Students who want to verify the correction of their exam must send an email to

Special period exam

12 julho 2021, 23:32 Helena Galhardas

According to the legislation, all students are allowed to do the special period exam ("exame época especial").

For those students who did the project and paper presentation, the corresponding components will be valid also in the case the student decides to do the special period exam.