
Guide Lab 9: Performance Monitoring

24 maio 2013, 13:30 Helena Galhardas

Experimentation of the SQL Server tools for performance monitoring.

Monitorização de performance com o SQL Server

24 maio 2013, 11:00 Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins

  • Monitorização de indicadores de performance
  • Introdução à ferramenta SQL Server Profiler
  • A opção "QUERY GOVERNOR" do SQL Server
  • Esclarecimento de dúvidas sobre aulas de laboratório anteriores

Performance Monitoring + Lock and Log Tuning

24 maio 2013, 09:30 Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins

  • A systematic approach to performance monitoring
  • Lock tuning
  • Log tuning

Invited Talk : In-memory Column-Store Databases in Enterprise Applications

21 maio 2013, 09:30 Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins

  • Invited talk by Martin Faust (from Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam, Germany) on "In-memory Column-Store Databases in Enterprise Applications"

Guide Lab 7 (cont) and Guide Lab 8: Query and Index Tuning

17 maio 2013, 13:30 Helena Galhardas

Guide Lab 7:

  • Experiments with SQL Server 2012 for schema tuning

Guide Lab 8:

  • Experiments with SQL Server 2012/Database Tuning Advisor
  • Exercises about query and index tuning.