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Exam 2 - 2/7
30 junho 2019, 18:19 • Helena Galhardas
Students must enrol to the exam through Fenix and then do the exam in the campus where they are enrolled.
The following instructions should be taken into account:
- You should bring official exam sheets of IST, a pen, and your ID card.
- The exam is closed-book (no open materials) and will last for 2H.
- No mobile devices nor calculator allowed, bring a simple watch instead.
Grades Exam1
26 junho 2019, 13:23
Checking 1st exam corrections
24 junho 2019, 14:24
Exam 1 - 11/6
6 junho 2019, 10:06
Project solution
5 junho 2019, 13:11
Corpo Docente
Diogo Ribeiro Ferreira
Helena Sofia Andrade Nunes Pereira Pinto