
Final grades

10 fevereiro 2023, 11:40 Juha Hans Videman

The final grades have been published in the Section "Evaluation".

Please, check your grades and report any corrections by Monday, February 13.

Exam on February 8, 2023

9 fevereiro 2023, 13:19 Juha Hans Videman

The results of the 2nd exam have been published in the sidebar section "Evaluation".

The exams can be viewed online on Friday, February 10, at 11:00. The zoom link is:

Exame de Época de Recurso

7 fevereiro 2023, 09:04 Juha Hans Videman

O exame de 8 de Fevereiro (Época de Recurso) terá lugar na sala E1 (Torre Norte, piso -1) com início às 10:30. 

Computational assignment - Results

2 fevereiro 2023, 17:50 Juha Hans Videman

The grades of the computational assignment, after the discussion/presentation,  can be found in the sidebar Section "Evaluation"

Exam on February 8

2 fevereiro 2023, 09:55 Juha Hans Videman

You can now sign up for the exam.  Registration closes on February 6, 2023 at 23h59. 

The answers must be written on official IST answer sheets using a ballpoint pen with blue or black ink. You should also bring a calculator and scrap paper (papel de rascunho). No other material is allowed.

The exam is scheduled for 2 hours.