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Grades 2nd Exam
11 julho 2014, 10:19 • Ângelo Palos Teixeira
The Grades of the 2nd Exam are available in the section "Grades" at the course web page.
I will be available to review the 2nd exams on Monday, 14th July 9:30-10:30 in IST-Tagus Park Room 2N12.04.
Review of 1st exams on Monday (date update)
27 junho 2014, 17:58
Inscrição para 2º Exame de AGRP / Exam enrolment
27 junho 2014, 17:03
Grades of 1st Exam & Project
27 junho 2014, 17:01
Horário de dúvidas para 1º exame / Availability
17 junho 2014, 14:01