Últimos anúncios

[AGISIT ALAMEDA Theoretical Classes] Instructions for the Project / Thematic Study

14 dezembro 2020, 12:34 Rui António Dos Santos Cruz

Dear Students,

The instructions for the the submission of Deliverables of the Capstone Project/Thematic Study, as well as Presentation and Discussion Agenda is published in the Moodle of this course.

In essence:
  • Project Report and attachments are submitted in a Moodle Assignment.
  • Implementation files are pushed to the Git Repository for each Group.
  • Booking for the Presentation and Discussion is done in a Doodle

All links are provided in Moodle.
Prof. Rui Cruz

Lab Resources for next weeks - Adenda

7 novembro 2020, 19:14

Lab Resources for next weeks

6 novembro 2020, 15:45

Lab Classes (Attendance Methods - Update)

4 outubro 2020, 20:32

This week Lab Classes (Alameda and Taguspark)

29 setembro 2020, 13:23

Corpo Docente

José Carlos Martins Delgado



Rui António Dos Santos Cruz

