Office Hours are in the DISCORD server of AGISIT, in the # 21_office-hours channel (Chat and Voice/Video).

If the subject is of potential interest to everyone, students can use the # Q&A channels, for the specific Lab or for the Project.
For more specific questions, you can also send Direct Messages (DM)  to @TEACHER in DISCORD.

Responsible. Theory Classes

José Carlos Martins Delgado

Office Hours are in the period:

Fridays, 14:30-16:30

Responsible. Theory Classes + Lab Classes

Rui António Dos Santos Cruz

Office Hours are in the periods:

- Tuesdays, 16:30-18:00

- Thursdays, 13:30-15:30

- Fridays, 09:00-12:30

Lab Classes

André Alves Augusto

Office Hours are in the periods:

- Thursdays, 09:00-10:30