Últimos anúncios

Project 1

9 agosto 2013, 13:54 Luís Manuel Silveira Russo

The first project is available at http://acm.ist.utl.pt/~mooshak/ To obtain a password go to http://acm.ist.utl.pt/~mooshak/cgi-bin/aedisgetpass and insert your email, as it is in the fenix system. To login select the aedis_proj1_1314 contest. The contest is open but it will only start on the 11th of October, until then the description will be kept hidden.

Sheet 1 Grades

9 agosto 2013, 13:42

Lab Sheet 1

9 agosto 2013, 13:42

Lab 0

9 agosto 2013, 13:39

Corpo Docente

Luís Manuel Silveira Russo

