Kickoff Session

15 setembro 2023, 06:36 Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins

As part of an event to welcome new MECD students, we are organizing a session for presenting the AECD course and discussing project ideas together with the students.The details for the event are as follows:

Welcome to new MECD students and opening of the 2023/2024 academic year
MECD - 15 Sep. 2022 (Friday), 2:30pm, Room José Tribolet (Informática II, 0.19)
2:30: 2:45 – Welcome – Coordination Team
2:45: 3:00 – Course Student Experiences
3:00: 3:30 – Guest Lecture - Chryssa Zerva
3:30: 4:00 – Information about the discipline named "Applications in Data Science and Engineering"
4:00 – Closing and Social Gathering with Snacks

The part of the event that concerns information about the "Applications in Data Science and Engineering" course will be streamed/recorded on YouTube, and the slides used to support the session are also published online.