1. Format and delivery
The deliverables are:
- a short (10-15 minute) in-class presentation of the project results, and
- a short write-up and related code (if applicable).
The maximum number of pages for the report is 8 (excluding references). It should contain a small introduction, a summary of gathered results, a brief discussion and supporting references. Many thanks in advance!
2. About your presentation
Please note that we are not expecting that you submit any presentation together with your report (see above). You can think about your presentation after submitting your report. If you need a hand on how you should present your work, please let us know. This final Workshop is attended by other students, their friends, or anyone interested in the wide plethora of topics we have this year. Everyone is welcome! As a speaker, we only ask you to be as entertaining as possible, which typically leads to pleasant, informal discussions on the topics addressed. Each talk should take 12 minutes, leaving a few minutes for questions from the audience.