25 fevereiro 2021, 23:14
Francisco Correia dos Santos
Caros alunos,
Mais uma vez, muitos parabéns pelos vossos trabalhos e excelentes apresentações. Foi um prazer assistir às sessões de hoje. Muito obrigado pelo vosso entusiasmo.
Poderão consultar as notas finais da disciplina na secção "Notas". Agradecemos que nos avisem até amanhã (26 de Fevereiro 2021, 13h) caso encontrem alguma incorrecção. Obrigado.
As notas finais serão submetidas na secretaria amanhã ao final do dia. Voltaremos aqui assim que o fizermos.
Entretanto, permaneceremos disponíveis para esclarecer qualquer dúvida que tenham.
Cumprimentos e obrigado mais uma vez,
Rosário, Mário e Francisco
24 fevereiro 2021, 21:27
Francisco Correia dos Santos
Dear students,
Tomorrow, Thursday, February 25, we will have our Applications of Data Science and Engineering Workshop 2021.
We will have plenty of stimulating topics and projects to discuss. From natural language processing, fraud detection, and computational social science to computational sustainability practices and analysis of power consumption, we will undoubtedly have a wide plethora of exciting studies and results to talk about. We hope you enjoy it.
Please check the zoom link and final schedule
here. Also, please feel free to invite your supervisors from your host institution.
Given that we had a couple of empty slots, we slightly fine-tuned some of the timings by a few minutes. Many thanks for your understanding and for all your help.
All the best,
Rosário, Mário and Francisco
20 fevereiro 2021, 00:05
Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo
Caros Alunos,
O prazo de entrega do relatório do projecto é às 23:59 do dia 21 de Fevereiro (Domingo).
Os coordenadores.
16 fevereiro 2021, 18:03
Francisco Correia dos Santos
Dear Applications of Data Science students,
Thank you to those who already submitted their reports. You may submit your reports via Fenix. We will keep the submission system open until Sunday (Feb 21). Only the last version is kept on the server.
It is also an excellent time to start organizing the schedule for our presentations. Instead of creating an entire programme from scratch (which may not fit your constraints), we decided to adopt a self-organized programme. To this end, we created an editable spreadsheet where you can add your name(s) and title in your preferred slot (please follow
this link). Afterwards, we will assemble a final programme following as closely as possible your preferences.
Your project advisors are most welcome to stop by. However, this is not mandatory.
In the URL provided above, yellow cells correspond to slots that every other student of the course may attend. Differently, pink slots are reserved for discussions where only group members, professors of the course, and advisors are present. If your work does not involve privacy issues or delicate information for your host institution, please go for the yellow slots. Otherwise, please select one of the pink slots.
The title of your talk may differ from the title of your report. Please feel free to adapt it to make it more appealing. Regarding your presentation, please note that the goal is to be entertaining.
The workshop will be online with the use of Zoom. Each talk should take 12-14 minutes, leaving a few minutes for questions from the audience.
Thank you so much for your help!!
All the best,
Rosário, Mário and Francisco
(the MECD team)
15 fevereiro 2021, 10:30
Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo
Caros Alunos,
Temos sido contactados acerca da extensão máximas (8 páginas) do relatório. A pedido de vário de vós, a extensão máxima passa a ser de 10 páginas.
Notem também que esta extensão máxima não inclui apêndices, para os quais podem remeter descrições técnicas mais detalhadas de alguns aspectos ou apresentação mais completa e detalhada de resultados.
No entanto, é importante que o corpo principal do documento (a menos dos apêndices) constitua um relatório coerente e completo com base no qual seja possível avaliar o vosso trabalho.
Os coordenadores.