
Revisão de provas e notas finais

4 fevereiro 2017, 16:53 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Caros alunos,
Publiquei a avaliação do 2º exame e as notas finais. A revisão de provas do 2º exame ocorrerá na quarta-feira, dia 8 de Fevereiro, no laboratório LT5.

Registration for the second exam

26 janeiro 2017, 11:07 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Dear students,
Please register online for the second exam. Registrations are open until 12:00 of Tuesday, January 31.


22 janeiro 2017, 19:55 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Dear students,
I have published the grades of the first exam and the final grade so far. The review of the exams is on Wednesday, January25, at 12:00.

Registration for the first exam

10 janeiro 2017, 19:42 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Dear students,
You must register online for the first exam. Registrations are open until 23h59 of Sunday, January 15. Please also note that you will write your exam on the official sheets of paper available from IST, which you have to bring with you.

Office hours for the season

2 janeiro 2017, 13:31 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Dear students,

I have changed the office hours so that they are closer to the dates of the exams. Please send me an e-mail on the day before, if you plan to come. Happy new year!