
MIxed strategies

14 dezembro 2017, 14:00 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Games without pure Nash equilibria. Probabilities. Mixed strategies. Average payoffs. Nash equilibria in mixed strategies. Review of the course.

Lab. 11

11 dezembro 2017, 18:30 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Discussion of the projects with the students.

Lab. 11

11 dezembro 2017, 17:00 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Discussion of the projects with the students.

Dynamic games

11 dezembro 2017, 15:30 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Dynamic games. Extensive form of the game. Rollback equilibrium and Nash equilibria. Normal form of the game. The question of "first-mover advantage." Examples and case study.

Traffic equilibria

7 dezembro 2017, 14:00 João Luís Costa Campos Gonçalves Sobrinho

Modeling network traffic using Game Theory. Traffic pattern at equilibrium and Nash equilibria. Braess' paradox. Best response dynamics and Nash equilibria. Social cost of traffic at equilibria. Bounds on optimal social cost.