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2nd exame and final grades

8 fevereiro 2023, 12:00 João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

2nd exame and final grades

The grades for the 2nd exam and final evaluation (project+1st exam+ 2nd exam ) are available on the following files:  
the final official grades to be submitted to the Secretaria are available here: 
The official grades will be submitted on 17th February. Any question or correction of the grades should be sent to me (João Silva) until dat the on TEAMS

2nd exam

7 fevereiro 2023, 13:01

1st exam grades

29 dezembro 2022, 14:55

Project presentation

6 novembro 2022, 13:09

Project submission date

3 novembro 2022, 17:44

Corpo Docente

João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

