5th Week
- 9th lab assignments
- 10th lab assignments
3rd Week
- 5th lab assignment - https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/563568428875628/week 3 - Class 5.pdf
- The solution for the 2nd week exercises will be posted during the week-end.
2nd Week
- 3rd lab assignment - Week 2 - Class 3.pdf
- 3rd lab - auxiliary code - Week 2 - Class 3.zip
- 4th lab assignment - Week 2 - Class 4.pdf
- 4th lab - auxiliary code - Week 2 - Class 4.zip
1st Week
- Homework - https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/845043405600269/Week 1 - Class 1.pdf
- 2nd lab - https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/845043405600270/Week 1 - class 2.pdf