
FInal Grades

24 fevereiro 2022, 10:53 João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

The grades for the 2. exam are available here:

The final grandes (taking into consideration the project, exams and 1st exam revision) are available here:

The grades that will be officially submitted  are available here:

Any doubt or question about the 2nd exam or the grade to be submitted should be communicated to me using the TEAMS chat.

The official grades will be submitted next Tuesday (1st March at 14h00).

2nd Exame Room

23 fevereiro 2022, 15:58 João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

The next exam (24/02/2022 / 08:00) will take place on Room E4.

See you all tomorrow!

2nd Exam

18 fevereiro 2022, 18:00 João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

It is necessary for students to enroll for the 2. exam on FENIX

the deadline for the enrollment is next Monday (21 February) at 18h00.

Exam and Project Grades

7 janeiro 2022, 15:53 João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

The project and 1st Exam grades are already available:

Students that want to review the exams should schedule a session by sending a TEAM message.

Project presentation

14 novembro 2021, 12:28 João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva

Students should select one of the available slots for the project presentation in:

In caldendly, students should select one of the available slots, insert the identification (name and e-mail) of all the groups members and the group number. 

Students will receive a notification of the scheduled project presentation on the supplied e-mails. 

If it is impossible for students to do the presentation in any of the available slots, students should contact the professor by TEAMS in order to arrange a suitable date/time on a day between 16th and 18th November.