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Special season

22 julho 2018, 11:38 Francisco Melo

Information to all students:

The special season for the course will take place on July 24, from 15h00 to 18h00, in Room 0-16 of TagusPark. There will be no exam in Alameda, since there are no registered students in Alameda. The test will be graded immediately after the test in that same room, so students who wish to see the graded test should remain in the room and wait for their grade.

The grades from the special season will be submitted to the services first thing in the morning of July 25, so there will be no additional opportunities to see the graded test.

Final grades

8 julho 2018, 19:01

Office time this week

1 julho 2018, 11:52

Exam and grading

28 junho 2018, 23:56


24 junho 2018, 02:38

Corpo Docente

Francisco Melo



Miguel Afonso Tomás Faria