Últimos anúncios

Pautas (Época Especial) e Revisão de Provas

27 julho 2021, 18:00 Aleksandar Ilic

The grades of Test 1EE and Test 2EE (EE - Época Especial) and your overall grades are published (see Pauta).

Test revisions: Friday 30.07 at 14h00 at IST (in-person, room to be announced). Revisions are subscription-based, i.e., interested students should send me an email until Thursday 29.07, 19h00 (indicating your name and the student number). Only subscribed students will be admitted for revisions.

Pautas (Repescagem), Revisão de Provas e Época Especial

14 julho 2021, 16:51

Subscriptions for Exam (12.07)

6 julho 2021, 16:44

Pautas e Revisão de Prova

29 junho 2021, 18:51

Info Tests/Exams and Thank YOU!

4 junho 2021, 18:58

Corpo Docente

Aleksandar Ilic

