
Exam enrollment

12 janeiro 2021, 18:33 Margarida Silveira

Students who want to take the exam on 19/01/2021 must enroll in fenix until 14/01/2021 at 23:59.

Lab Grades

7 janeiro 2021, 20:13 Margarida Silveira

Lab Grades are now available in the Labs and Problems section.
Students who wish to review the labs correction should attend their lab teacher session (schedules below). 
Please schedule by email until 18:00 of the day before the session.

  • Tuesday 12/1 at 11:00h and Thursday 14/1  at 16:30 - Margarida Silveira
  • Wednesday 13/1 at 15:30h - Catarina Barata
  • Friday 15/1 at 18:00h - André Martins

  • Regras de Exam / Exam Rules

    4 janeiro 2021, 19:07 Jorge Salvador Marques

    O exame de Aprendizagem Automática tem a duração de 2h30 e é constituído por perguntas de resposta múltipla (a maioria) e perguntas abertas.


    - os estudantes devem trazer folhas A4, identificadas com número e nome, para responder às perguntas abertas.

    - Durante o exame podem consultar uma folha A4 com fórmulas (texto não é permitido)

    - calculadoras com teclado alfanumérico (i.e., com teclas individuais para cada uma das letras do alfabeto) são proibidas.

    - o uso de telefones ou de outro equipamento de comunicação não é permitido, mesmo que usados como calculadoras ou relógios.




     The exam has a duration of two and a half hours and comprises multiple choice questions (the majority) and open questions. 

    - The students should bring A4 sheets of paper, identified with the name and number, to answer the open questions.

    - During the exam, they are allowed to consult a formula sheet (A4). Text is not allowed in the formula sheet.

    - calculators with an alphanumeric keyboard (i.e., with a computer-like keyboard, with individual keys for each of the letters of the alphabet) are not allowed. 

    - use of phones or of any other communication equipment is not allowed, even for use as calculators or as clocks.

    Lab5 - Evaluation and generalization

    5 dezembro 2020, 23:04 Margarida Silveira

    Lab5 is available in the Labs and Problems section.

    Lab Grades

    3 dezembro 2020, 12:24 Margarida Silveira

    Lab Grades for labs 1 and 2 are now available in the Labs and Problems section.