- Project 2018 (deadline June 1st)
- Exercises 2018 (deadline April 13th)
- Essay 2018 (deadline April 13th)
Practical classes
- Lab 1: exercise and NetLogo tutorials T1, T2 and T3
- Lab 2: exercise and corresponding NetLogo file
- Lab 3: exercise and corresponding NetLogo file (NetLogo solution file)
- Lab 4: exercise
- Lab 5: exercise and corresponding NetLogo file
Lecture notes
(check the book and the references for each lecture)
- Introduction
- Decision theory
- Game theory
- Architectures
- Negotiation
- Auctions
- Reinforcement Learning (single, multi)
- Java project template for a multi-agent system
- tutorial1.pdf
- aula1 - English.pdf
- tutorial2.pdf
- tutorial3.pdf
- lesson2.pdf
- lesson2.nlogo
- essay.pdf
- problems.pdf
- 3-GameTheory-v4.pdf
- 2-decisiontheory.pdf
- 1-IntroductionMAS+Properties.pdf
- ProjectAAMAS 2018.pdf
- lesson3.pdf
- lesson3.nlogo
- problems v2.pdf
- lesson3-solution.nlogo
- Part11-Auctions.pdf
- Part09-Negociation.pdf
- Lesson4 Negotiation.pdf
- Part12-ReinforcementLearning.pdf
- Part13-MultiagentRL.pdf
- lesson5.pdf
- lesson5.nlogo
- lesson5-solution.nlogo
- Part04-DeliberativeAgents.pdf
- Part03-CreatingAgents&ReactiveAgents.pdf
- Part05-HybridAgents.pdf
- Part07-SocietiesAgents-v1.pdf
- Part10-Comunication&ContractNet.pdf
- 1718 AASMAnotasv2.pdf
- SlotsAasmaProjDiscussions.pdf
- EpocaEspecial AASMA1718.pdf