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Projects' Assignments

15 setembro 2024, 20:12 Ana Luísa Nobre Fred

The assignment of Projects to groups is available on the Fenix system, section “Projects”, in file “MLB-2024-2025-Projects-Assignements.pdf “, and on the shared google drive. Group 9 has only submitted 3 entries in the preferences files, and Group 3 has not submitted any document concerning preferences. In order to assign projects to these groups, the groups' elements should fill new entries on the file “Projects-Groups 2024-2025.xlsx” in the Google Drive over the projects that are still available, namely: P2, P5a, P5b, P6, P10,P11, P13, P15. The groups with projects assigned should contact the corresponding tutors as soon as possible to start the work.

Just as a reminder, tomorrow starts the first Lab, the associated Jupyter Notebook being available on the Fenix and on the Google Drive (see “Fenix Mirror”), with classes at Alameda at 8am and at Tagus Park at 1pm, just after the Theoretical Lecture (11am).

Ana Fred

Labs and Projects

6 setembro 2024, 17:39

Corpo Docente

Ana Luísa Nobre Fred



Mariana Ferreira Nunes