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Lab 1 Grades & Lab 3 Guide
11 outubro 2024, 19:13 • Mariana Ferreira Nunes
Dear Students,
The grades for Lab 1 have been published. If you have any questions, you can clarify them during the lab sessions.
Additionally, the guide for Lab 3 has also been published. Please note that there is a ZIP folder with auxiliary files that you will need for the lab.
Best regards,
Mariana Nunes and Sofia Monteiro
Lab 2 Report Submission Extended
9 outubro 2024, 10:13
Compensation lecture on September 25
24 setembro 2024, 13:38
Compensation Lecture
23 setembro 2024, 10:19
Zoom link
19 setembro 2024, 08:04
Corpo Docente
Mariana Ferreira Nunes