Detailed Scores after 2nd phase Exam
7 fevereiro 2023, 20:24 • Ana Luísa Nobre Fred
The file "MLB_Detailed_Final_Overall_Scores.pdf" in folder "Additional Materials" contains the detailed final marks of all evaluation components and the overall final marks on the course Machine Learning in Bioengineering. This includes the scores of the exam that took place on Feb 06-2023. Students willing to consult/revise the latest exam, should send an email to The revision will take place on Monday, February 13, at 11h.
Publicação de Notas
7 fevereiro 2023, 20:05 • Ana Luísa Nobre Fred
The final scores on the course Machine Learning in Bioengineering are posted under the TAB "Marks"
MLB Exam 06/02/2023 10:30 - Room V1.23
1 fevereiro 2023, 12:24 • Ana Luísa Nobre Fred
The exam on February 6, 2023, will take place in room V1.23, starting at 10:30h. The exam will be delivered to those students that enrolled for this evaluation.
Detailed Scores and 2nd phase Exam
5 janeiro 2023, 13:50 • Ana Luísa Nobre Fred
The file "MLB_Detailed_Overall_Scores.pdf" (under "Additional Materials") contains individual scores over the several evaluation components and the overall final scores.
Scores of Exam
16 novembro 2022, 11:00 • Ana Luísa Nobre Fred
The scores of the MLB exam are available under the topic "Additional Materials". I will be available for revision of the exam on November 18, from 10am to 11am, in my office, on the 10th floor of Torre Norte (ext 2469)