
{en_GB=Design and Methods of Construction of a Biomimetic Inspired Carbon Fiber Wing} {} EVALUATED

{pt=Este trabalho aborda o conceito de biomimicry e a implementação de design animal em aeronaves. Este projecto começa por enumerar e explicar diversos designs encontrados na natureza que poderiam ser uma mais valia na engenharia moderna, mais concretamente, em aplicações na indústria aeronáutica. Posteriormente é escolhido o conceito das protuberâncias no leading edge duma asa para ser estudado mais aprofundadamente. É projectado em CAD (CATIA V5) o design duma asa em fibra de carbono com um actuador que, quando activado, cria as protuberâncias no bordo de ataque. A asa original é modificada e os diversos componentes e mecanismos necessários para a actuação são adicionados. A asa, assim como os seus principais componentes, é desenvolvida em prepreg de fibra de carbono, com componentes auxiliares em alumínio e termoplástico. É desenvolvida uma asa com um molde estrutural de forma a analisar os seus benefícios estruturais na redução de deformação e afastamento das zonas de concentração de stress do bordo de ataque para a raiz da asa., en=This project begins by listing and explaining several designs found in nature that could be used to improve modern engineering, specifically in the aerospace industry using Biomimicry concept. Later, the concept of leading-edge serrations is chosen to be further studied. Using CATIA V5, the design of a carbon fiber wing is developed containing an actuator that creates the leading edge serrations. The original wing is modified and several components and mechanisms necessary to make it work were added. The wing and all its main components are developed in carbon fiber prepreg with some aluminum and thermoplastic elements. A wing with a structural mould is also developed to assess its benefits in reducing overall deformation and moving stress concentration from the leading edge to the root of the wing. Both new and original wings are subjected to structural analysis with different pressures and loads and the results were compared to assess if the modifications were viable or would pose a structural risk. The stress and displacement results obtained from the distributed force applied were taken into consideration when developing the internal actuator mechanisms. From the displacement results, it was clear a degree of play should be present in the connections between the Camshaft Actuator, the electric motor and the Actuator Lock for these mechanisms to move with the overall deformation of the wing under load. Two distributed forces are applied to the airfoil with structural mould to represent two flight situations, a typical operation and an extreme situation. }
{pt=Biomimicry, Fibra de Carbono, Asa, Moldes, en=Biomimicry, Carbon Fiber, Wing, Moulds}

dezembro 3, 2019, 18:0


Obra sujeita a Direitos de Autor



João Manuel Gonçalves de Sousa Oliveira

Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica (DEM)

Professor Auxiliar


Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha

Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica (DEM)

Professor Auxiliar