

Competências Transversais > Competências Transversais

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DEALIT2007 > DEALIT2007 > 3º Ciclo > Sistemas de Engenharia e Projecto


Student evaluation (individual) will be focused on the preparation and discussion of a research paper. The reference term for an excellent grade will be a paper published, or publishable, in a quality research journal.


Não Estruturante



Carga Horária

1º Semestre

3.0 h/semana

126.0 h/semestre


Presents and discusses Social Science research methodologies in a context of Engineering and Innovation, for application to complex systems that depend on technology but are also socio-technical and organizational. The goals of the course are (1) to examine the steps required to frame an empirical research question guided by theory, (2) to introduce students to the range of research methodologies used by social scientists, (3) to examine the strengths and limitations of each, and (4) to practice some of the steps involved in research design and implementation. Students will become acquainted with a variety of approaches to research in Systems Engineering, practice Qualitative and Quantitative methodologies and develop their own research project.


Metodologia de avaliação

Student evaluation (individual) will be focused on the preparation and discussion of a research paper. The reference term for an excellent grade will be a paper published, or publishable, in a quality research journal.


Componente Laboratorial

Princípios Éticos

Componente de Programação e Computação

Componente de Competências Transversais