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25 fevereiro 2015, 14:51 - Ana Maria de Almeida Nogueira Marques

Título: Value-oriented Enterprise Transformation: Design and Engineering of Value Networks 

Candidato: João Pedro Marques Pombinho Nº 49678/D

Presidente de Júri: Professor João Emílio Segurado Pavão Martins

Orientador: Professor José Manuel Salvador Nunes Tribolet


Professor Jorge Luciano Cláudio Sanz

Professor Marc Martijn Lankhorst

Professor João Bernardo de Sena Esteves Falcão e Cunha

Professor Pedro Manuel Moreira Vaz Antunes de Sousa

Professor Diogo Manuel Ribeiro Ferreira

Data e local: Dia 06 de Março de 2015 às 09h30 no Anfiteatro PA-3 (Piso -1, Pav. de Matemática) do IST

Abstract: Modern enterprises struggle to cope with their structural complexity as artificial systems and their role as participants in value networks. Particularly, it is non-trivial to represent and align two distinct dimensions: the (dynamic) purpose and goals of the enterprise, and its construction, shaped by implementation constraints and decisions.

Current enterprise modelling approaches have several limitations in addressing this gap, particularly how to express the value perspective of a system in a coherent and traceable way to its constructional components, in order to effectively support change management.

The objective of this research is to define a value-oriented system development method supported by sound theory that contributes to address these issues, grounded in the Business Modelling and Enterprise Engineering knowledge areas.

The main design artefacts of the thesis are a set of formal models to specify value networks and a process to build and change those networks systematically. These artefacts allow specifying the contribution of an individual actor, the bindings between two actors that exchange these contributions and, finally, the multi-actor chains that form value networks.

The utility of the design artefacts is demonstrated by informed argument and modelling the value perspective of a system in a set of case studies.