
Optimization of survivable optical transport networks in the presence of physical layer  impairments EVALUATED

The physical layer impairments (PLI) incurred by optical transmission media in optical networks accumulate along the optical path, which affects the performance of the optical networks. To efficiently design the optical transparent network, it is important to compute feasible routes and wavelengths in the presence of PLI to guarantee that the optical signal will reach the receiver with desirable signal quality. Optimization strategies were investigated to plan and operate the optical transparent network towards enabling (≥ 100 Gbps) transmission within a fixed grid of 50GHz channel. This project reviews technological options for optical-path computations in the presence of PLI, considering the distinct wavelength and wavelength continuity constraints.--
Keywords: transparent optical network, routing and wavelength assignment (RWA), physical layer impairments (PLI), colourless and directionless ROADM, survivability, optical to signal noise ratio(OSNR)--

novembro 17, 2017, 10:30


Obra sujeita a Direitos de Autor



João José de Oliveira Pires

Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (DEEC)

Professor Auxiliar