
Digital Rock Physics for Coreflooding Simulations EVALUATED

In the era of low oil prices, economic viability of oil fields strongly relies on accurate technical analysis and predictions. Detailed core analysis is one of the most reliable information about in-situ conditions; results are further used for reservoir management and optimization. After extracting petrophysical properties with core characterization, corefloodings are performed to evaluate dynamic fluid responses by cores. This work has formalized a method to understand and tackle uncertainties associated with coreflooding results. Generally cores possess local micro-heterogeneities. Patterns of preferential path of flow or inaccessible pore volumes are distinctly visible when most of the cores are split opened. Such heterogeneities cause deviation from expected behavior of the flooding. As a result, properties or techniques predicted through corefloodings might be misleading. To avoid such uncertainties, computational simulation of corefloodings can be performed along with experimental floodings. This work explains detailed development steps of coreflooding computational model in association with Digital Rock Physics. Static model for this simulation is based on computed tomography (CT) scan results; whereas the dynamic model is developed with a black-oil simulator. After establishing basic understanding of mathematical model behind the black oil simulators, simulation results have been analyzed in detail. With sensitivity analysis of various parameters, boundary conditions have been tested too. Step-wise dynamic coreflooding model development has been explained in this work. History matching has been performed by altering mainly the local permeability distribution and relative permeability curves. The reference model developed achieved good results within the boundaries of established simulation constraints.
Digital Rock Physics, Coreflooding Simulations, Coreflooding Uncertainties, Petrophysical Model of Core, Dynamic Coreflooding Model

novembro 4, 2016, 10:0


Obra sujeita a Direitos de Autor



Pedro Romero Fernandéz




Maria João Correia Colunas Pereira

Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitectura e Georrecursos (DECivil)

Professor Associado