
Master Degree Examination - 26/01/2021, 14h - Tiago Themba Ferreira Meintjes

11 janeiro 2021, 11:29 Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa

Candidate: Tiago Themba Ferreira Meintjes

Title: "Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging on the Portuguese Electricity Demand Curve"

Local: REMOTELY (Request access to: SEND EMAIL)

Master Degree Examination - 19/01/2021, 14h - Pedro Camoesas Leal

10 janeiro 2021, 21:13 Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa

Candidate: Pedro Camoesas Leal

Title: "Influence of Increasing Renewable Power Penetration on the Future Electricity Spot Prices"

Local: REMOTELY (Request access to: SEND EMAIL)

Master Degree Examination - 19/01/2021, 12h - Gabriele Vezzani

10 janeiro 2021, 18:23 Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa

Candidate: Gabriele Vezzani

Title: "Effects of climate change on power supply - Long-term analysis for the Portuguese study case"

Local: REMOTELY (Request access to: SEND EMAIL)

Master Degree Examination - 15/01/2021, 12h - Alejandro López Vernet

10 janeiro 2021, 18:09 Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa

Candidate: Alejandro López Vernet

Title: "Renewable-based isolated microgrids instead of replacing existing MV lines supplying rural areas"

Local: REMOTELY (Request access to: SEND EMAIL)

Master Degree Examination - 08/01/2021, 10h

30 dezembro 2020, 09:47 Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa

Candidate: Lidia García García

Title: "Development of an energy management model for a heating and cooling microgrid in a public building"

Local: REMOTELY (Request access to: SEND EMAIL)