Salvatore Baldino: May 19, 2023. Thesis: WKB Methods for Finite Difference Schroedinger Equations
Max Schwick: January 26, 2023. Thesis: New Resurgence of Instantons in Old Matrix Models
Pedro Filipe: November 11, 2022. Thesis: Computability of logical problems associated to partial non-deterministic matrices
Roberto Vega: October 26, 2022. Thesis: Parametric Resurgences of the Second Painlevé Equation and the Case of 2 Dimensional Quantum Supergravity
Augusto Pereira: October 14, 2022. Thesis: Applications of flows in imaginary time to quantization
Pedro Cardoso: September 23, 2022. Thesis: Hydrodynamic limit of symmetric exclusion process with long jumps and a slow barrier
Miguel Duarte : September 23, 2022. Thesis: Asymptotics in Generalized Harmonic Gauge
Martí Rosselló Gómez: July 7, 2022. Thesis: Quantum black hole entropy and the Rademacher expansion
Carllos Eduardo Holanda: April 29, 2022. Thesis: Nonadditive thermodynamic formalism and multifractal analysis for flows
Grace Tusogwile Mwakyoma: November 5, 2021. Thesis: Classification of Hamiltonian circle actions on compact symplectic orbifolds of dimension four
Stefano Scotta: September 17, 2021. Thesis: Asymptotic behavior of the boundary driven exclusion with long jumps
Rodrigo Marinho de Souza: September 3, 2021. Thesis: Convergence to stationary states of interacting particle systems
Renato Ricardo de Paula: July 19, 2021. Thesis: Hydrodynamic behavior of a degenerate microscopic dynamics with slow reservoirs
Vicente Lorenzo García: July 16, 2021.Thesis: Group actions on surfaces of general type and moduli spaces
Pedro Aniceto: June 28, 2021. Thesis: Integrability and holography in dimensionally reduced theories of gravity in 2 dimensions
João Rijo: June 25, 2021. Thesis: Hyperbolicity in Difference Equations: Admissibility and Infinite Delay
Ragaa Ahmed: January 31, 2020. Thesis: On the anomalous diffusion of Hamiltonian systems perturbed by a conserving noise
Nguyen Bin: October 28, 2019. Thesis: Surfaces of general type with non-birational canonical map
Davide Polini: October 21, 2019. Thesis: Classifying and counting N=2 BPS black holes in an STU model
Hillal Elshehabey: July 24, 2019. Thesis: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of an Anaerobic Digester
Pedro Fontoura Correia de Oliveira: November 2, 2018. Thesis: Cosmic No-Hair for Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Spacetimes
Juan Pablo Quijano Lotero: June 25, 2018. Thesis: Sheaves and functoriality of groupoid quantales
Carlos Miguel Santos Oliveira: May 28, 2018. Thesis: Stochastic optimization and decisions made under uncertainty
Jaime Augusto Delgado Mancelos Silva: April 30, 2018. Thesis: Mixed Hodge Structures of Character Varieties
Andreia Filipa Torcato Mordido: March 27, 2017. Thesis: A probabilistic logic over equations and domain restrictions
Sinan Eden: November 21, 2016. Thesis: Homotopy Lie Algebra of Symplectomorphism Groups of 3-Fold Blow-Ups
Telma Andrade Freire da Silva: October 4, 2016. Thesis: Mathematical Modeling of the Atherosclerosis Physiopathology
Muna Khaled Khaleel Abu Alhalawa: July 27, 2015. Thesis: Flip Bifurcations for P-Periodic Maps.
Sonia Seyed Allaei: July 23, 2015. Thesis: The Numerical Solutions of Volterra Integral Equations of the Second and Third Kind
Aleksandra Marinkovic: April 22, 2015. Thesis: Displaceability and Fillability on Toric Symplectic and Contact Manifolds
Dinh Thang Giang: March 30, 2015. Thesis: Method of Orienting Curves for some 2D and 3D Geodesic Problems in Computational Geometry
Le Hong Trang: November 24, 2014. Thesis: Optimization Approaches for Constrained Geometric Shortest Path and Convex Hull Problems
Bruno Miguel Almeida Martins Pereira: October 31, 2014. Thesis: Analysis and Simulation of Stability and Wave Trapping Conditions in Stratified Fluids
Filipe Santiago Cal: July 22, 2014. Thesis: Wave Interaction with Fixed and Floating Structures in a Two-Layer Fluid
Paolo Tricerri (IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative): July 17, 2014. Thesis: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of Healthy and Unhealthy Cerebral Arterial Tissues
Juliana Fernandes da Silva Pimentel: May 8, 2014. Thesis: Asymptotic Behavior of Slowly Non-Dissipative Systems
Simone Rossi (IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative): January 27, 2014. Thesis: Anisotropic Modeling of Cardiac Mechanical Activation
Edgard Almeida Pimentel: December 20, 2013. Thesis: Time Dependent Mean-Field Games
Diego Marcon Farias: May 13, 2013. Thesis: Weak Kam and Aubry-Mather Theories in an Optimal Switching Setting
Vardan Voskanyan: May 13, 2013. Thesis: Extended mean field games
Marcin Szamotulski: March 27, 2013. Thesis: Galois Theory for H-Extensions
Jing Mao: March 13, 2013. Thesis: Eigenvalue Estimation and Some Results of Finite Topological Type